UNESCO learning cities' responses to COVID-19
The UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) called on its network of 229 UNESCO learning cities to provide insights into their particular handling of the situation. During a UIL webinar series in 2020, they jointly developed strategies and exchanged information about good practices to ensure that learning did not stop.
In our new publication Snapshots of learning cities’ responses to COVID-19, we showcase local responses to COVID-19. The UNESCO learning city of Espoo, Finland, provided one of them.
Espoo, Finland
Daily communication
Mr Harri Rinta-ahoDeputy Mayor of Espoo
Navigating diverse needs
Technological devices and IT-skills training were provided to families in need, and social workers visited vulnerable youth to make sure they were not being left behind during the lockdown.
Finally, for the most challenging cases, schools delegated an interdisciplinary team of professionals to support pupils at risk of dropping out.
Challenges: Onboarding
Children in those families were especially at risk of exclusion from the education system, which made cross-collaboration between families, teachers and social services crucial.
Challenges: Fostering community
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UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities
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Photos courtesy of © Getty Images / Lev Karavanov; Getty Images / Imgorthand; Canva Studio; Valerii Honcharuk; Getty Images / FS-Stock; City of Espoo, Finland