UNESCO learning cities' responses to COVID-19
The UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) called on its network of 229 UNESCO learning cities to provide insights into their particular handling of the situation. During a UIL webinar series in 2020, they jointly developed strategies and exchanged information about good practices to ensure that learning did not stop.
In our new publication Snapshots of learning cities’ responses to COVID-19, we showcase local responses to COVID-19. The UNESCO learning city of São Paulo, Brazil, provided one of them.
São Paulo, Brazil
School meals programme
Food Distribution
Pantry basics and hygiene kits
CODAE will be carried out as long as the pandemic lasts. This initiative targets in particular those families that have school-aged children, people with special needs, and those living below the poverty line or who are in extreme poverty.
Strategic deliveries
These deliveries were strategically carried out to ensure that those who were most in need of such assistance were not overlooked and left to deal with difficulties exacerbated by the pandemic.
A total of 476,566 cards were delivered between April and July to serve some 619,832 students. Of these, 325,896 are enrolled in Bolsa Família; 138,343 are from low-income families; 30,287 live in poverty, and 53,866 in extreme poverty.
Challenge: Real-time assistance
Learn more!
UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities
Photos courtesy of © Getty Images / wsfurlan; City of São Paulo, Brazil; Getty Images / krisblackphotography; bondarillia