The power of literacyAnnah (70) learns how to read and write
When money was tight, sons were sent to school and daughters worked the fields and were married off as soon as possible.
Annah is one of them
At the age of 70, she decided to join forces with other grandmothers in her community Kirugu to learn how to read and write.
Striving towards full social integration
‘Because we want to hold committee positions in our church and community, help our grandchildren, fill in our own voting forms …’, was the answer.
A learning chance at last
Local teachers James, David and Oliver with support from Charles Muwangala and Pauline McLeod set up two groups to provide these grandmothers with a chance they should have received a long time ago.
Step by step
Most of them have had to begin at primary school level 1, learning alphabet sounds, writing letters, learning words, and writing sentences, enabling them to now converse in English.
Connected through online learning
They share their learning with her and another Ugandan grandmother literacy group, two hours away in a more remote area.
Nothing can stop them
Annah loves school
Revitalizing family connections
The Village of Sunflowers
Each of the grandmothers played her own role of a villager – head person, head mistress, teacher, doctor, midwife, tailor, shopkeeper or any other distinctive position.
They acted out what had become a reality for themselves: A community where everyone supports each other.
Supporting their grandchildren
During times of COVID-19-induced school closures, such assistance is of particular importance to ensure that coming generations will be literate and provided with the chances they deserve.
Literacy trainerPauline McLeod
Lives have changed
Husbands have witnessed the transformation of their wives through literacy and are now also asking for classes.
No longer left behind
BackgroundTraining by UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning and Commonwealth of Learning
The literacy classes in rural Uganda were a follow-up to this training. They show that family literacy truly makes a difference, for old and young alike.
Learn more
Credits: Getty Images / Ardatstock; Getty Images / Lantern Vision; Pauline McLeod; Pexels / Grossgassteiger; Getty Images Signature / Robert Ford