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UNESCO learning city of Canning, Australia


Canning, located in Western Australia, was inducted into UNESCO’s Global Network of Learning Cities in 2022. 

With 45 per cent of its residents speaking a language other than English, Canning is one of Australia’s most culturally and linguistically diverse cities. The city is an industrial and commercial hub, and it has the most diverse economy in Western Australia.  
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"We continually strive to expand learning opportunities for our community. Children and parents have access to a range of activities, services, and utilities to engage with the City’s learning spaces. From usage of library spaces, learning how to care for our country in the Canning River Eco Education Center and the usage of digital resources at no cost."
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Canning’s ten Impact Goals ensure sustainable social, cultural, environmental and economic development, which are thematic focuses of the Community Learning programme.   

Events and workshops are organized to support sustainability education through projects such as the Climate Clever Neighbourhoods, and to promote a healthy lifestyle through projects such as Food Sensations.
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Canning is one of Australia’s most culturally and linguistically diverse cities.

Diversity and inclusion are embedded across Canning’s business units. Integrating indigenous languages and culture into education, providing bilingual early literacy programmes, and creating platforms such as the Hillview Hub to support Canning’s diverse community in the areas of education and work, showcase the city’s dedication to equity and inclusion.
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The concept of decent work and entrepreneurship is integral to the Learning City Strategy.

The city's Business Development Mentoring Program fosters business learning and support, while the Community Learning Program focuses on labour market skills development for adults.

The Trade Skills Youth Program provides disengaged young people with opportunities to complete training courses and certificates.
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This programme provides an ecosystem of support for local businesses through partnerships with different organizations, including universities. Through these partnerships, BDM has organized workshops and events in libraries designed to connect Canning business owners to mentoring, support and networking opportunities that can help businesses build their capacities and capabilities.
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The KI mentoring programme, winner of several national awards, seeks to aggregate the city’s strategic sustainability targets and data to measure, evaluate and communicate local government achievement in sustainability.

As an open data project, it is designed to build public trust in the city, and will be interpretable, auditable and user-friendly.
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The UNESCO Learning City of Canning is dedicated to its learning goals and will continue to promote lifelong learning for all of its citizens.

Having joined the vast network of learning cities, Canning will enter into a dialogue with cities around the globe. Other members of the network will learn from its good practices and, in turn, inspire Canning to further develop its learning strategies.
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‘Benjamin Franklin once said that an investment in knowledge pays the best interest. We know that providing learning opportunities doesn’t only help one person improve their life – it helps our whole community.’ 

Mr. Patrick Hall, Mayor of Canning
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The UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities (GNLC) supports and improves the practice of lifelong learning in member cities by promoting policy dialogue and peer learning, documenting effective strategies and good practice, fostering partnerships, providing capacity development, and developing tools and instruments to design, implement and monitor learning cities strategies.

UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities

Credits: © Shutterstock / Victor Yong; City of Canning; Shutterstock /; Shutterstock /; Monkey Business Images; naratrip boonroung
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