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UNESCO learning city of Lausanne, Switzerland


Lausanne is one of Switzerland's most cosmopolitan cities. Its 150,000 residents come from more than 160 countries. Lausanne is driven by its knowledge economy, which is supported by research and training institutes, innovations start-ups, and international organizations. These institutions thrive alongside the city's educational activities in the region.

In 2022, following a partnership with the University of Lausanne, the city joined the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities.
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Through learning, Lausanne's vision is to promote inclusive and sustainable social, economic and environmental development. Its aim is to enhance all forms of lifelong learning – formal, non-formal and informal – by creating a transversal approach that encourages homogeneity and coherence among its partner's initiatives.

As a learning city, Lausanne focuses on key areas such as continuing education for professionals, citizenship education for children, and support for young people in their transition from school to work.
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In collaboration with stakeholders, Lausanne supports young people's transition from school to the workforce. It is also active in vocational training, developing essential skills, recognition of acquired knowledge, and implementing professional integration within companies.
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Through the innovative Junior Team programme, apprentices have the opportunity to learn their trade in a collaborative environment. Under the guidance of instructors, six to eight apprentices train together and share their knowledge, thus reinforcing the principle of peer learning. As an example, a team of apprentices from the Junior Team prepares meals for the lunch break program, serving both children and teachers every day.

This project has been running since 2021 and apprentices get their Federal Diploma of Vocational Education and Training.
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As part of its Sustainable Development Strategy 2016-2020, Lausanne has established a unit and a municipal fund, both dedicated to sustainability.

One of the fund's priority is to promote social integration through education and access to training. Additionally, Lausanne is home to a leading university hub for general medicine and public health.
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Initiated by the University of Lausanne, Volteface is a participatory action research platform. Scientists collaborate with members of civil society to develop innovative activities. Together, they generate practical and usable scientific knowledge that benefits both collaborators.

Volteface explores topics that stem from needs identified by societal stakeholders. The platform focuses on social aspects of the energy transition, supporting 12 research-action projects.
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Lausanne leads the way in participatory democracy through its Participatory Budget initiative. This tool allows the population to decide how a portion of the city's financial resources will be allocated.

Residents are invited to vote on a list of projects, designed for and by them, and to get involved in their neighbourhood by carrying out a collective action.
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Lausanne integrates equity and inclusion in various initiatives, from a non-discriminatory personnel policy to addressing sexual harassment and promoting women's visibility in public spaces.

Additionally, the city adopts policies to promote universal accessibility and provides training to both its employees and the public to improve their ability to interact with people with disabilities.
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The "Caravane des quartiers" initiative brings learning to life at the street level. Each year, two neighbourhoods collaborate to organize events that showcase local talents and strengthen community bonds.

While guided by a professional facilitator, these "Caravans" are, above all, opportunities for learning. This initiative aims not only to equip residents with new organisational skills but, more importantly, to nurture mutual knowledge and strengthen social ties within the neighbourhoods.

This programme exemplifies how informal learning can transform communities and build lasting social connections.

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Frédérique Roll reflects on how her learning experiences as an Olympic rower have influenced her desire to pass on her expertise to new learners in Lausanne. 
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As a UNESCO Learning City since 2022, Lausanne is continuously evolving its approach to lifelong learning.

Committed to sustainable development, social inclusion, and civic participation, the city is shaping a future where learning acts as a bridge to a better quality of life for all its residents.
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The UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities (GNLC) supports and improves the practice of lifelong learning in member cities by promoting policy dialogue and peer learning, documenting effective strategies and good practice, fostering partnerships, providing capacity development, and developing tools and instruments to design, implement and monitor learning cities strategies.

UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities

Credits: © Lausanne Tourisme /; City of Lausanne; Michael Derrer Fuchs /; City of Lausanne; City of Lausanne; wee design /; City of Lausanne; City of Lausanne; City of Lausanne; Trabantos /; UIL
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